4. Menus

New Creates a new empty image.
Open Opens a file.
In the case of AVI, start position / end position for import can be specified.
Browse Browses through images on disk. Drag an image and drop it to GraphicsGale.
Save Saves the current image to disk.
Save As Saves the current image as a new name.

Save Option
Extension Option Description
With alpha channel Saves an image as 32bit format with alpha channel.
ICO Overwrite [Save newly]
Saves an image as a new file. When the existing file has images of different format(size,bpp), those images are deleted.
Saves an image as consistent file. When the existing file has images of different format, those images are left(i.e. multi-icon).
This is applied in the case of Save.
Icons for saving can be selected. Current icon is marked with *.
With alpha channel Saves an image as 32bit format with alpha channel. This format can be used as a translucent icon on WindowsXP.
CUR Overwrite [Save newly]
Saves an image as a new file. When the existing file has images of different format(size,bpp), those images are deleted.
Saves an image as consistent file. When the existing file has images of different format, those images are left(i.e. multi-icon).
This is applied in the case of Save.
Icons for saving can be selected. Current icon is marked with *.
Hot spot X
Hot spot Y
Specifies the pointing position of a cursor.
With alpha channel Saves an image as 32bit format with alpha channel. This format can be used as a translucent cursor on WindowsXP.
ANI Hot spot X
Hot spot Y
Specifies the pointing position of a cursor.
With alpha channel Saves an image as 32bit format with alpha channel. This format can be used as a translucent cursor on WindowsXP.
Quality Although image quality becomes good in proportion to the value, the file size becomes large for that.
Progressive on/off of incremental display.
GIF Optimized File size might become small by optimization.
Interlaced on/off of incremental display.
TGA Compressed Pixel data is compressed.
With alpha channel Saves an image as 32bit format with alpha channel.
Only current frame is saved when a image is saved as a file format except GAL, GIF, ANI, and AVI. Note that a file format except GAL doesn't have data of frame and layer exactly.
Export Saves the current image in the particular form.
Multiple Files
Saves frames severally.

Combined File
Saves the image which arranged each frame in one canvas.
Close Closes the current image.
Acquire Acquires an image from a TWAIN device.
Select Source Selects a TWAIN source.
Print Prints the current image.
Printer Setup Changes printer settings.
Properties Shows image's properties.
Single Palette:
Uses a common palette between all frames.(in the case of 256 colors or less)

Disable transparency of bottom layer
Even though transparent color of the bottom layer is set, the layer is painted as an opaque layer.

Background Color
Select a background color.
Batch Conversion Convert numerous files at one time.
Sets up shortcut keys.

The combinations of the following have a special meaning.
Alt+F10 : Mouse's middle button
Alt+F11 : Rolling mouse's wheel up
Alt+F12 : Rolling mouse's wheel down
For Example, if you set Alt+F12 to "Forward Frame", and set Alt+F11 to "Back Frame", you can move between frames by mouse's wheel.

Use halftone when reduced
Displays with halftone when magnification is lower than 100%.

Fit window when magnifying
Fits a window to an image automatically when magnification is changed.

Auto zoom on opening
Adjusts the magnification automatically when an image is opened.

Minimum magnification which enables grid
When magnification is under this value, grid is not displayed even if grid is enabled.

Grid Color, Custom-Grid Color
Specifies the grid color.

Onion Skin
Adjusts the density of Onion Skin.

Loop the first and the last
Enables moving to the first from the last, or the last from the first.

Default Canvas Color
Specifies the default color of canvas. If TransparentColor is checked, this color is set as transparent color of the layer.

Default BG Color
Specifies the default background color.

Disable transparency of bottom layer
Initial value of Property.

Fill selection with second color
Fills the selected area with the second color instead of layer's transparent color when cutting.

Not erase image under selection
Leaves an image under the selected area.

Pick color on current layer only
When picking a color by right-click, picks one on the current layer only.

Default Color Palette
Colors of 4bpp or 8bpp image are initialized with this palette file.

Show Color Data
Shows the data of the color which is pointed by mouse cursor in the color palette.

Treatment of ICO transparency
Transparent Color of Frame Transparent area is painted over with Replacement Color, and that color is set as transparent color of a frame.
If the image is 32bpp, the option below is applied automatically.
Alpha Channel of Layer Mask image is made, and that image is set as alpha channel of a layer.

JPG Quality
Although image quality becomes good in proportion to the value, the file size becomes large for that.

Optimize GIF
Check it to optimize GIF file.

Edits items of the menu which pops up by pressing a space-key(or Alt-key).
Exit Terminates GraphicsGale.

Undo Undoes the last operation.
Redo Redoes the operation.
Undo at a Stretch Undoes the same kind operation at a stretch.
Redo at a Stretch Redoes the same kind operation at a stretch.
Cut Copies the selected area to the clipboard and deletes the area.
Copy Copies the selected area to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes a data in clipboard into the current image.
Paste New Image Pastes a data in clipboard as a new image.
Import Pastes a image from a file into the current image.
Delete Deletes the selected area.
Select All Selectes the whole image.

Invert Selection

Inverts the selected area.

Actual Size Views the image in actual size.
Zoom Chooses a zoom factor.
Grid Enables or disables the grid on the image.
Onion Skin Displays the back and forward frame of the current frame transparently.
It is necessary to set up the Transparent of a frame.

Flip Horizontal Flips the image from left to right.
Flip Vertical Flips the image from top to bottom.
Rotate Rotates the image.
Scroll Scrolls the image.
Adjust Color Adjusts the color.
Negative Reverses the color and the brightnesses in the image.
Grayscale Removes the color information from the image.
Count Colors Used Counts the number of unique colors used.
Effects Makes several special effects to the image.
Set Alpha Channel Sets an alpha channel to a current layer. Alpha channel is a mask which is made by alpha blend values of each pixel.
Create From
Choose a method of creating a mask from Current Selection, Opaque Colors(using a transparent color of a layer when Current Layer Only is checked, using a transparent color of a frame for the rest), and Luminance.

Select a image which is used as a source of mask.

A mask is created using anti-aliasing.

Inverts a alpha blend value.
Delete Alpha Channel Deletes a alpha channel of current layer.
Invert Alpha Channel Inverts a alpha channel of current layer.
Duplicate Alpha Channel Duplicates a alpha channel of current layer as a new image. In order to return to the original condition, set the new image as an alpha channel by Luminance
Operations of "Image" menu affect the current layer or the selected area.

All Frames
Flip Horizontal Flips the image from left to right.
Flip Vertical Flips the image from top to bottom.
Rotate Rotates the image.
Scroll Scrolls the image.
Enlarge Canvas Enlarges the size of the canvas while leaving the current image size alone.
Crop Cuts off the image except the selected area.
Fit Cuts off the transparency area of all sides.
Adjust Color Adjusts the color.
Negative Reverses the color and the brightnesses in the image.
Grayscale Removes the color information from the image.
Color Depth Decreases or increases the number of colors.
Resample Changes an image's width and height.
Operations of "All Frames" menu affect all layers belonging to all frames.

Full Screen Copies an image from the full computer screen into a new image.
Window Copies an image from the active window into a new image.
HotKey Setup Sets up the key which does capture.

Cascade Cascades windows.
Tile Horizontal Tiles windows horizontal.
Tile Vertical Tiles windows vertical.
Arrange Icons Arranges icons.
Close All Closes all images.
Fit to Image Fits the window to the image.
Duplicate Duplicates the current image.